Monday, December 18, 2006

Just like a bicycle

...I'm two-tired. Word to the wise, people: if you are coming back Sunday from a couple of days in Vegas, don't schedule anything at 8:30am on Monday. It's just a stupid thing to do. Here's how sleepy I am: my alarm went off this morning. That might not sound like much, but it's the first time it's gone off in over a month. I have some weird time issues, and I wake up before my alarm, completely convinced that it's not going to go off and that will cause the world to end. I fight with myself every morning on whether it's too early to get up or not. Another problem that exacerbates that one is that my half-awake math is horrendous. I'll look at the clock and think, "Oh, I still have 45 minutes before my alarm, but maybe I should get up now anyway." Then, right before I start to sit up, I realize that instead of 45 minutes, I actually have 2 hours and 20 minutes. Yes, it's that bad. Sometimes I even make things up, like "Oh, the 3 in front of those numbers is for how many hours I have left." No, it stands for "3 o-clock" actually. It all makes sense until it doesn't, if that makes sense.
Vegas recap: Lots of fun. I came back losing only $15 or $20 from gambling, so I consider that a victory. After all the drinks at the tables (and tips), paying 20 bucks for hours and hours of card-playing entertainment is a steal. Of course, being paid to play cards is even better, but I can't really complain at all.
In my previous post, I talked about how we now like to have one nicer meal during our Vegas trips. This time, it's a toss-up as to whether that "nicer meal" was Panda Express or the corned beef sandwich I ate at the poker table in MGM. Tough call, especially since they cost about the same. All I know is that I ate so unhealthfully over the weekend that my body made me crave vegetables last night. I ate my wife's leftover salad from lunch as my dinner, and it didn't even occur to me to have a quesadilla, which is a Klein staple.
Anyway, there is a lot more I'd like to write about the trip, but I have to do actual work. Sucks, I know.

1 comment:

PK said...

Update: Yesterday morning, I woke up before my alarm and thought, "Well now I can't wait for my alarm since I posted on my blog that it never happens." Great, just what I need.