Monday, December 4, 2006

A talking muffin!

My boss told me a joke a few months ago: "Two muffins are in an oven. One says, 'Hey, is it hot in here?' And the other says, 'Holy crap, a talking muffin!'" Granted, that's not a very funny joke. However, it's impacted my life: since then, I can't say "Holy crap!" without wanting to follow it up with "a talking muffin!" Needless to say, that phrase popped into my head many, many times as I watched UCLA beat USC on Saturday. Not only was that the biggest football win for the Bruins in years while it simultaneously destroyed the hopes of their arch rival, but I called it on Friday in this space. Even as I was typing it, I thought, "Uh oh, you probably can't go back and edit this post afterwards without being a coward and sticking to your guns." Since UCLA won though, I didn't have to reach that moral crossroads.

It was a great sports day for me on Saturday. I went to the football-less UCSB, but I've always been a fan of UCLA since my mom, aunt, uncle, two cousins, mother-in-law, and father-in-law went there. Even if the Trojans win the next three national championships and the Bruins suck those years, they'll always be able to point to "that time when..."
And then, watching my Lakers beat up on the suddenly hapless Clippers topped it all off. It's a very rare day indeed when I'm on the right side of two LA-LA rivalries.

So yes, you may now revel in my truly special pre-cog ability.

More later, I hope.

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