Thursday, February 1, 2007

Long minutes

Oy vey. The word of the day so far is "slooooowwwwwww." Traffic coming into work was worse than usual, and it just took literally 12 minutes to turn on my computer and open Internet Explorer. I don't know what's going on, but I sure hope other parts of the day are at least at normal speed.

At least there were some interesting things on the way to work. I've talked about how my friends and I text each other with bumper sticker reports and license plate frame reports. In fact, Dusty texted me yesterday saying he saw a license plate frame that read, "Pan Am...Gone but not forgotten." I guess they mean the entire airline company, but don't you think that's a very odd thing to remind people about? What's next, one for Datsun?

So I see a car in traffic this morning with two bumper stickers. The first says "Civil War Re-enactor, Living Historian" and the other says "I Love My Wife!" My first thought was, "Wow, who knew those guys got the chicks?" My second was, "I love my wife too, but slapping that on your car seems a little defensive to me." My third was, "Alright, I gotta get a look at this guy." I changed lanes and sped up, and I shit you not: the dude looked like Abraham Lincoln. More like him than anyone should, and I'm guessing his re-enactor position chose him as much as he chose it. Back to my first thought - someone married this guy? I wonder if the re-enacting extends beyond the battlefield, if you know what I mean.

Then I heard a commercial for Samsung's flat screen high-definition televisions for "the big game." First, I get annoyed every year around this time when commercials say "the big game" instead of "the Superbowl" because of trademark issues. There's no problem plastering "Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl" all over the place, but for some reason the biggest sports brand in the world wants to limit its exposure in this sense. I understand that companies would have to pay whoever owns the term "Superbowl" to use it, but the whole thing just strikes me as stupid. Why build an ad around a term you can't use just to hope the euphemism holds up?

Second, Samsung's commercial was not just about watching "the big game," but if you buy a Samsung HD tv, you can get a $100 gift card to Yes, one hundred smackeroos. Keep in mind, we're talking about a product line that Best Buy sells ranging from $1,200 to $3,100, but they seem to think that giving you $100 back to only use on one website is going to push people over the edge. Come on, Samsung, think about your audience a little.

Lastly, Kevin and Bean on KROQ announced that they were having the founder of the "Rate my Turban" website on the show. I groaned aloud, because I've seen these "rate my x" sites before, and this seemed like a bad idea for one. I first saw these listed mainly for body parts or overall hotness. In fact, you could probably type in any body part after "ratemy," slap a .com on the end and have hours of not-safe-for-work entertainment. Then a friend told me about years ago. For some reason, I went there and after rating a couple, felt disgusting enough that I never went back. I don't suggest any of you check that out, because it's even worse than you think. I just did a Google search for "ratemy," and found sites for teacher, body, kitten, fish tank, boobies, undies, boner, and finger. I gotta say, I'm intrigued by the last one and may have to check that out.

But I wasn't too eager to hear about this new site devoted to rating turbans, because I had a feeling it was going to be very stereotypical and cringe-inducing. But I stayed on the station because I had limited other options. As it turns out, the founder is a very intelligent man who is a practicing Sikh. The site is intended to be educational as well and entertaining, with links about the history of turbans and how to tie one. Coming into the interview with extremely low expectations, I was quite pleasantly surprised. Even Kevin and Bean remarked that the interview was much different than they were expecting.

Did all of these things make up for the traffic? Nope - I would gladly take open freeways over interesting sights and sounds on my commute. Gentle readers, I sure hope your days go more quickly than mine so far. I have no proof, but I think my minutes are 75-seconds long today. Well, at least that gives me more time to rate fish tanks and long for the days of Pan Am.


Laynie said...

I am truly hurt that on your long boring ride to work, it never occurred to you to wish your favorite mother a "happy half birthday". I thought I brought you up to be a caring person.

Sue said...

Sorry Baby Peter but my husband has always celebrated his half birthday, August 16th. Babe Ruth and Elvis Presley both died on that day... different years of course 1946 & 1977. So it is a very important day in our household. I will have to say no to your decree.

Sue said...

p.s. Sorry the Babe died 1948 not 1946. And I did wish your mother a happy half birthday.... after some prompting.

PK said...

Fine, the motion wasn't passed as I had hoped. It's understandable I guess. I actually know two people who were born on August 16, 1977, so either of them might actually be Elvis reincarnated. Or does that take a day to process? I'll look into that.